Sunday, September 16, 2012

Acne and Vitamin Supplements

Since the majority of the worlds population suffer from acne at some point in their lives, there is no surprise that such efforts are invested in finding out how to it. While there have been some definitive answers on whether acne is hormonally induced (yes), and what can be done to prevent it (prescription drugs, certain herbal remedies, etc), there are still many unknown factors that cause acne.

However, of all the many acne questions that science is yet to find answers to, the most controversial is whether or not diet has an effect on acne.

Historically, diet was thought to be linked to acne. Doctors and housewives alike believed that a high fat content in ones diet would cause an oilier complexion, and this in turn would create acne breakouts.

However, as time went on, science found no directly link between a diet high in lipids (fat), and acne. Since acne is caused by a bacterial growth in sebum trapped in clogged pores, there is no such thing as “extra oil secretion”. So, for at least the last 15 years, western medicine has claimed there is no connection between diet and acne.

However, a study conducted in 1997 has rekindled the flame in the “diet causes acne” argument, and this time, with a bit more heat.

This study, conducted by Dr. Lit Hung Leung, states that Acne breakouts are because the body cannot create enough of Coenzyme A to break down the fatty acids that create sebum. The reason is, Coenzyme A is probably the single most needed enzyme in the body. This Coenzyme-A is what synthesizes sex hormones, and what breaks down fatty acids.

The only part of Coenzyme-A that the body does not produce itself is vitamin B5. So, if there is a shortage of B5, there is a shortage of Coenzyme-A. And if there is a shortage of Coenzyme-A, the body will use it to synthesize sex hormones, not break down fatty acids.

So, you can see where this is going…more fatty acids, more sebum production, more acne.

Now, the interesting thing is that Dr. Lit Hung Leung substantiated this claim by testing it on 100 people. The group took 10 grams or more per day of pantothenic acid ( B5 ), and used a B5 topical cream of 20% by weight. After 2-3, sebum production was reduced, and many people with acne noticed a reduction. For those with more extreme acne, a higher dosage of B5 was used (approx. 15-20 grams per day), and treatment was prolonged to see an effect, sometimes up to 6 months.

So, while one study does not definitively prove whether B5 can prevent or reduce acne, it may well be worth considering, particularly for those who want a natural or herbal cure for acne, and do not want to use chemicals such as benzoyl peroxide, or other prescription acne treatments.

As with any medical treatment, it is best to consult a doctor before trying a B5 regimine.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Acne And The Changes In Girls During Puberty

During puberty, girls go through many changes some physical and some psychological. These changes include fat distribution, menstruation, body composition, body and facial hair growth, growth spurts, skin changes and body odor.  During puberty the body physically changes as the fat tissue increases in the breasts, hips, and thighs, producing the typical female shape. With all these changes in girls during puberty, what effect does acne have on girls during this difficult and emotional time?

Acne can increase the physical and emotional stress that girls experience during puberty. The severity and likelihood of acne is one of the many changes in girls during puberty due to the increased oil secretions in the skin. Mood swings, increased irritability and feelings of low self esteem can also be experienced by girls during puberty. Even girls who have been self confident can suffer from low self esteem when puberty starts.

These changes in girls during puberty can be more severe if she also suffers from acne. There are steps you can take to help lessen the problems of acne, which may help girls during this difficult time.

Practical Acne Treatments For Girls…

Proper skin care is the first step in dealing with acne. There are many skin care products on the market that may help with acne. Gently washing the face twice a day is the first place to start. Be sure to select a cleanser that contains salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide or sulfur, as they kill the bacteria that cause acne. Gentle cleansing is important so don't wash too often or scrub the face with harsh cleansers.

It is also important to use non-comedogenic products when trying to control acne. Non-comedogenic products are less likely to cause acne, blackheads or block the pores of the skin.  There are many non-comedogenic products available, such as makeup, moisturizers, lip stick, and even acne medicated makeup.

It is a good idea to visit a dermatologist if acne can not be controlled with over-the-counter medications as he can prescribe the best solution.

Acne in addition to all the changes in girls during puberty can take a physical and mental toll. There are many acne treatments available today so one should not despair. The onset of acne during puberty represents another challenge for young women to overcome.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Acne and Teenaged Psychology

When you look good you feel good is a fact without a doubt. No matter how people look at you & perceive your image, but all the grooming stuff you do is to look good. Everyone wants to portray him or herself as if no one was handsome or smarter ever. Especially people in showbiz and media in general are more conscious about their looks which builds up the self-regard in them is important than life.

Similarly, for teenagers looks are even more important than the person inside. This twisted sense of self-image can backfire and lead to some truly horrible results. More and more teens are suffering from depression. Young girls seeking perfection can become anorexic or bulimic. Some kids even isolate themselves and are extremely uncomfortable in social situations. So when acne strikes, how are teens equipped to deal with the prospect of looking “abnormal” or “ugly”? Teenagers can be cruel to each other, and to themselves.

The American Academy of Dermatology has reported that a staggering 95% of American teenagers will suffer acne breakouts at some point during adolescence. Some kids can hide milder cases with makeup or flesh-colored over-the-counter treatments. Some even use their hair or clothing – longer styles, hats, etc. However, sufferers of severe acne must stand exposed, with all their imperfections, for the world to see.

Since acne occurs so frequently in adolescence, blemished skin makes teens fear how their peers view them. Self-esteem and self-worth can be affected when kids are afraid of being judged by their contemporaries. Teens put up with so many anatomical changes that can make them feel “dirty.” It is particularly vulnerable time when kids worry about being accepted, and about the way, they look. Unfortunately, some parents can trivialize the teen’s fears.

Attitudes like “I went through it…you’ll go through it” and it will go away. However, when that first serious breakout happens…acne typically gets worse before it gets better…the teen may rationally agree that it is probably a passing phase. However, while it is “going away,” the teenager remains afraid of being judged by his peers, and serious self-esteem issues can result. These unsettling feelings about self-image can sabotage a young person already confused by this gateway to adulthood. This is a time in a teen’s life when he/she should get out and be involved in peer activities – but fear of being “different” is strong. Parental support can be vital at a time like this. Even when teen’s appear to “not need” your help, playing a gentle supportive role can help a budding adult’s transition.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Acne and Solutions

Acne is a common inflammatory skin disease that mainly affects the face, neck, chest and upper back. It is caused by an interaction between Hormones, bacteria and sebum produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin. Symptoms show as comedones (pimples), pustiles (lessions filled with pus) and occasionally Cysts. Acne is traditionally thought to developat Puberty but many women have acne throughtout life or it may develop in adulthood. It can develop premenstrually or may be associated with the talking or stoping of Oral Contraceptive Pills. This is possible caused by changing hormone levels.

Treatment for acne depends on severity. Mild cases may be eased by washing the face with a gental toilet soap or by drying agents such as benzoyl peroxide. Severe acne may need oral treatment with antibiotics such as tetracycline or hormone therapy such as dianette, which also act as a contraceptive.

Acne is the term for plugged pores, pimples, and even deeper lumps that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and even the upper arms. No one factor causes acne. As physicians understand it, acne happens when oil (sebaceous) glands come to life around puberty, when these glands are stimulated by male hormones that are produced in the adrenal glands of both boys and girls.
Welcome to Acne Treatment

We have compiled and consolidated latest information on Acne, acne causes, acne treatment, acne symptoms with lots of home remedies for acne cure.
Some Important Facts about acne

  * Anything that stimulates the growth of skin cells, such as scrubbing, can block ducts. You should simply wash the affected area with mild, un medicated soap once or twice a day, and dry gently.
  * Hot, humid weather causes skin cells to swell and thus increases the chance of blocked ducts. This is why face-steaming treatments are useless or even harmful.
  * Acne is definitely stress-related, so you are more likely to have a flare-up when you are under physical or emotional strain.
  * Some women notice an outbreak before periods, probably due to female hormones being converted in the body to male hormones.
  * You must avoid picking or squeezing, which may force more sebum into deep skin layers and increase inflammation. Fingers may also intro-duce infection.
  * Fresh air and a little exposure to the sun may help some acne, but too much sun causes skin inflammation, which worsens it. Sun should be totally avoided during some treatments: your doctor, pharmacist or instructions with the medication will warn you about this.
  * Disguising an unsightly spot with a water-based cover cream will not aggravate the condition and is good for your morale.
  * Oily applications to affected skin usually worsen things.

Very severe acne can be treated using a derivation of VITAMIN A, called tretimoin or Retin-A. This cream is applied each night and takes about 3 weeks to be effective. An oral version called Roaccutane is very good against severe acne but carries serious risks of foetal abnormality during PREGNANCY. This drug is carefully monitored for any side-effects in the patient but can be of considereable benefit, and the effects of treatment can last for a long time.

Acne Treatment Care

All acne can be improved, and sometimes it can be completely cleared up. Mild to moderate acne is usually remedied by over the counter pharmaceutical products that help to prevent
blockage of sebaceous ducts. The manufacturer's instructions should be followed carefully. For more marked and persistent acne see your doctor, who may prescribe medication. Severe acne may need to be assessed by a dermatologist. You will not see the benefit of any treatment for about 6 weeks, so persevere and be patient. If there is no improvement after consistent use for 2 months, see your doctor again.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Acne And Skin Changes In Pregnancy

All thanks to hormones your complexion may act up to during pregnancy. If you have had clear skin all along, pimples, acne, etc seems like unwanted guests. On the other hand, acne, pimples, etc prior to your pregnancy, your skin might just clear up. Irrespective of the situation, you can start by keeping your skin clean and moisturized. And if pimples, acne, start to appear, do not pick, squeeze, scratch or pop them. You make things worse for your skin by risking scars. Speak with your doctor if acne becomes worse.

Acne prevention pointers

- Wash your face twice a day with mild cleanser. Exfoliate but do not scrub your skin.
- Exercise to reduces stress, increases blood circulation and oxygen penetration to your skin
- Do not squeeze, pop, scratch or pick at your pimples, as this can make the infection spread.
- Drink adequate amount of water each day to help detoxify the body from the inside out.
- Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables and drink loads of water to maintain healthy skin. Avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates
- Avoid oil based cosmetics and clean your cosmetic brushes in warm soapy water.
- Avoid exposing your skin to too much sunlight, heat or cold.
- Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing as it can trap sweat against the skin.

Acne Remedies

- Apply lavender or tea tree oil on the acne affected area. These essential oils are natural antibiotics destroying a broad range of microorganisms and reduce redness, itchiness and stinging. Try a steam facial of boiling water mixed with couple of drops of tea tree oil. When you are finished, splash your face with cold water, to help close the pores again.
- Cut fresh garlic clove in half and put it on the affected area.
- Put a tsp of lemon juice and ground cinnamon on the acne.
- Apply vinegar to the face with a cotton ball and let it sit for ten minutes and then rinse with cold water.
- Lemon or any citric fruit are good natural exfoliates. Squeeze a lemon or citrus fruit into a bowl and soak a cotton ball in the juice. Apply the lemon juice to the face and then leave for 10 minutes before rinsing with cool water.
- Beat one egg white and apply it on the face for 15 minutes and then rinse with cold water. Egg white with large amount of proteins and fatty acids replenishes the skin and tightens the pores.
- If you see a pimple starting to break out on your face, rub an ice cube on the affected area.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Acne And oily Skin

Acne is a real cosmetic problem. Many of the acne patients sometimes feel that they would never get rid of acne. With latest treatments, if you have patience, you can treat your acne successfully. But what if you also have oily skin?

Oily Skin- What is it?

Our skin has sebaceous glands. These glands produce sebum. This sebum keeps our skin well moisturized and protects skin from microbial infections. The sebum is mainly made of lipids and dead skin cells. The skin constantly produces the sebum. If you don't wash your hair for few days you will find that your hair is oily. That is sebum. What if your body produces more than required sebum? You get oily skin.

Oily Skin- Why some people get it?

Why some people have it? As we saw, the sebum makes the skin oily. Some of us have overactive sebaceous glands. That is mainly because of hormones that trigger excess sebum production. That is the reason many women get more oily skin during their menstrual periods. Apart from regular care of the oily skin, talk to your doctor about any method to control the androgens that trigger sebum production.

Acne and oily skin-

Oily skin is the right environment for the P.acnes bacteria to flourish. With more oil in the glands and on the skin, these bacteria infect many glands and produce acne. If you have oily skin, please manage it properly, otherwise your chances of getting acne are high.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Acne and Makeup - A How-To Guide your new acne medication promises fast results in 10 days, but you've got to face the world today. What can we do to tie over the proceeding period before the acne goes down?

Well all you need is to learn a few creative acne makeup concealing tips to help you look your very best at school, work or play.

But remember -- Makeup conceals acne, it doesn't cure it!

But you already knew that, right? Using makeup to conceal acne isn't difficult, but there are some basic rules that you should always follow.

Your basic acne makeup toolkit

Your three acne hiding weapons will be a concealer, a foundation and a finishing powder. Stay away from the dollar store and use only brand names that you can trust.

Choose only <b>oil-free</b> makeup products that match your skin tone. Oil-free is the key to success here so read the labels carefully. You don't want to aggravate your existing acne problem by layering a fresh coat of oil on skin that already has too much to begin with. Choose a hypoallergenic brand while you're at it.

If this is the first time that you are using a new brand, test the makeup applying small dabs to a spot under your jaw to see how your skin reacts. If you are going to have a problem you'll know within an hour or so after applying it. Nothing's worse than adding more blotches to an already colorful face.

Before you begin

Wash your face with your normal face cleansing product and pat dry. Apply your acne medication per the instructions and let it dry throughly.

Start with the concealer

Apply the concealer in a light dabbing motion directly to any dark blotches or red areas that the acne has produced on your skin. Blend the concealer in using a disposable facial sponge. Use the concealer sparingly. You can always apply more if you need it but you don't want to layer it on too thickly. It will look terrible when it dries.

Next, apply the foundation

Apply the foundation sparingly as well and use a light dabbing motion here too. Blend the foundation with your sponge and reapply to any areas that need it.

And now for the final touch

Apply a light layer of the oil-free powder using a large makeup brush. This will take care of any shine that the acne concealer and foundation left behind and it will give you an even and finished look.

Throw away the disposable sponges when you are through so you don't transfer yesterday's skin oil to tomorrow's clean face!

Before you go to bed

Wash your face throughly to remove all makeup before you go to bed, but preferably as soon as you can after you return home. You want your skin to breath and your acne to get as much fresh air as possible.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Acne and its treatment

Acne is a menace. However, it’s not something that cannot be tackled. There are loads of acne skin care products around. We can classify acne skin care products into 3 broad categories –

1. Preventive or general acne skin care products
2. Over-the-counter, specialised acne skin care products
3. On-prescription acne skin care products.

The general acne skin care products are the ones that are used as acne-prevention measure. These include cleansers, make-up removers and similar products that help prevent acne. In the real sense, these acne skin care products are just those that should anyway be part of your daily routine. However, some of these are more oriented to act like an acne skin care product. These acne skin care products act against the causes of acne e.g. limiting the production of sebum/oil and preventing clogging of skin pores. Basically, these acne skin care products prevent the oil from getting trapped in pores and hence hamper the growth of bacteria that lead to acne. The general acne skin care products also include exfoliation products like skin peels. These work towards removing dead skin cells, hence reducing the possibility of pore-clogging and bacteria development.

Then there are specialised acne skin care products that are available over-the-counter i.e. without the need of a prescription. These include products like vanishing creams which extract the extra oil from the skin. Most of these acne skin care products are based on benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, both of which are the enemies of bacteria (and hence acne). You should start with a product that has lower concentration of benzoyl peroxide (e.g. 5%) and see how your skin responds to it. Alpha-hydroxy-acid based moisturizers are also popular as acne skin care products. You might have to try a few, before you zero-in on the acne skin care product that is effective for you. If nothing seems to work, you should contact a dermatologist.

On-prescription acne skin care products are the ones that are prescribed by a dermatologist. This can include ointments that can be applied on the affected area or oral antibiotics or just any topical treatment. Dermatologist could also suggest a minor surgical procedure to remove the contents of pustules. However, never try to squeeze or do this by yourself, it can lead to permanent damage of your skin. Your doctor could also prescribe a hormone-based treatment (since hormonal changes are also known to cause acne). Such acne skin care products are known to be very effective in some cases.
So, with all those acne skin care products, tackling acne is not that difficult.